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Heal From Covid


Our Mission: Harnessing Nature’s Power for Optimal Health

At HealfromCovid, we believe in the transformative abilities of natural ingredients backed by scientific research. That’s why we’ve meticulously crafted our flagship organic health supplement, featuring a powerhouse blend of nattokinase, NAC, bromelain, and quercetin.

Our commitment is to provide you with safe and effective solutions to support your health journey. We source only the highest-quality ingredients and adhere to rigorous manufacturing standards to ensure you receive the purest supplements possible.


Dr Jenn

Several years ago, I was diagnosed with an invasive form of breast cancer.

I left my career in education and went on a quest to learn and discover how I could heal my mind, body and spirit, that had all been left destroyed from the affects of allopathic or traditional medicine.

What I found were many extraordinary ways in which we all can heal. It is my mission to help facilitate this healing journey with those I work with, and help each person to rediscover their ‘Healthy Self.”  

There is life after illness and disease, and you can TAKE BACK YOUR HEALTH!!

Want to hear more about my personal health journey?
Watch my story here.

Holistic Medicine Level 1-3
Natural Medicine
PhD in Spiritual Psychology
Rife Therapy Practitioner
Biofeedback Practitioner
BCX Certified Practitioner
EAV Expert Practitioner
Soul Coaching Level 1-3
Trauma Counselling Certification
Wellness Coaching Certification
Art Therapy Practitioner
NLP Practitioner
PEMF Expert Certification

Organic Ingridients, backed by science.

Look, I don’t care if you got the jab or not. That’s your business. But one thing’s for damn sure: these ain’t the good old days. You can’t trust the talking heads, the lying politicians, or those greedy drug companies to keep you safe. They want you scared, dependent, and popping their overpriced pills.

That’s where our Spike Support Formula comes in. We cut through the crap. This ain’t some watered-down multivitamin designed to line some pharma exec’s pockets. We packed it with Nattokinase, NAC, Bromelain, Quercetin – natural ingredients with real science backing them up. 

What’s in the supplement?

Summer Sale

15% OFF

“As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.”

 Maya Angelou

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(437) 780-0992